Let me guess…

  • You may be struggling with feeling foggy and unfocused or lacking clarity
  • Feel like your body has a mind of its own (“Why can’t I FIX this!?”)
  • Have been told all tests are normal, or “it’s all in your head
  • Or you have this nagging feeling that something in your LIFE doesn’t feel QUITE ‘right’


  • You’re tired of the guessing games and random ideas or supplements that don’t work
  • You can’t help but think, “something is missing” that you haven’t addressed yet…
  • You know you’re more than just a body BUT you aren’t sure how all those pieces fit together!

SOMETHING has to change, BUT you don’t have the CLARITY or ALIGNED ACTION STEPS to make it happen.

chelsea schreiner intuitive wellness coach

I’ve been there too…

I suffered terrible headaches, brain fog, chronic fatigue (yet, can. not. sleep), bloating, severe acne, AND lived with the general sense that my body was not a pleasant place to be!

Not to mention, I felt alone, lacking purpose and joy.

I didn’t find the answers, let alone the solutions, I needed to get well – so I became my OWN doctor. Yet, after working as a licensed ND for almost 10 years, I realized, working with the physical body was only PART of the story.

Over the years, I’ve learned a LOT about how our bodies heal, especially those of us who have often felt “different.”

We have a gift of deep feeling and sensing (that probably hasn’t been celebrated).

The people I work with know their body is speaking wisdom to them- and are ready to listen (HINT: the key to shifting EVERYTHING is already within you)

I help cut through the confusion to gain the energy, clarity, and CONNECTION you want with your BODY and your own INTUITION, so you can enjoy the PEACE and FREEDOM that comes from living in ALIGNMENT with yourself (the physical body and the ‘bigger picture’ too).

Are you ready to drop the energetic and physical baggage and finally step into more connection, lightness and JOY?

If YES and you’re ready to DIVE IN RIGHT NOW, BOOK A CLARITY CONSULT for whatever time works best for you!

A CLARITY CONSULT is a one-off consult where we get right to your main focus and goals and provide you with ALIGNED ACTION STEPS, energy shifts and most importantly, CLARITY.

If you know you’re ready to go even DEEPER with continued coaching support to REALLY accelerate your SUCCESS, click the button below to book a Strategy Session, where we will see if your goals, and commitment to getting well, confirm we’re a great fit to work together in one of my popular programs!

There’s NO obligation (seriously, if we aren’t a good fit, I’ll come up with some other action step. I know how frustrating it can be to not have a direction forward).

Meet Me

Hi! I’m Chelsea.

Ever get the feeling you don’t quite fit in? After almost 10 years as an ND, that’s how I felt. I aligned with naturopathic values, and loved to address health holistically, but I ended up feeling burnt out. (That’s my biggest sign I’m not in alignment anymore). I realized I wasn’t serving others with my true potential and vast array of personal and professional experiences.

So… I resigned my license, and lost the Dr. in my name with it! BUT what I gained was SO much more!

Combining my clinical experience WITH intuition and energy modalities, this unique and customized approach to wellness resulted in WAY more success.

My new approach makes connections between all the body systems (rather than surface symptoms), and digs deeper into the subtle energetic levels (that aren’t so obvious).

Interested to know more? Book a free Strategy Session to chat with me or click here for my personal story and what makes me qualified to help.