This consult is designed to give you clarity by identifying what to focus on, and the next steps. I will tune into your energetic field to look for any of the physical or energetic blocks in between you and your goals, and give you some suggestions to shift them.

If you’re into energetic work, and it comes up, we may dip into that as a way to shift the blocks. Otherwise, it could be anything physical (like a food or lifestyle habit to tweak), or some emotional patterns and associated tools to work with.

If you’re feeling the need for a bit of guidance, but don’t need coaching for support to help you follow through, then this is the one for you!

How Does it Work?

In your Clarity Consult, I’ll get all the information in your field sorted out, so we can identify where your focus needs to be – physical or energetic.

Then, we get you those clear and aligned action steps so that you can shift the blocks that previously kept you stuck.

With clarity, comes confidence and CHANGE. In my opinion, clarity is the first step, and the most important one.

What’s Included:

  • One consult (approx. 45 mins) 
  • Customized suggestions from an intuitive approach
  • Optional energy work included

INVESTMENT: $155 USD (includes any applicable taxes for your location) *Canadian resident? There’s a link on the bookings page to pay in CDN $ or click HERE to go there now

*NOTE: This is not a coaching package. It’s simply to provide you some recommendations and get you on track. If you’re looking for coaching support, where you’re held in a container of change, then I suggest Joyful Body Connection to start. Check it out HERE

If you feel  a Clarity Consult is JUST what you’re looking for, then you can BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT HERE

PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT need to do a Strategy Session for booking a Clarity Consult, BUT if you’re unsure whether this is right for you, let’s have a chat first!

If you’ve got questions and you’re not yet ready to meet me ‘on screen,’ you can chat with me on instagram @joyfulbodymethod or e-mail me (to prevent robots, I’m going to type it in code: ). Looking forward to speaking to you soon!