Welcome to Body Connection Blueprint!

The transformational course designed to increase BODY CONNECTION so you can become more CONFIDENT in your own INTUITION.

In the process of better body connection, you more easily shift the energetic blocks to physical symptoms (we’ll talk about that in Module 1), AND start to become your OWN guide for what is best for YOU, rather than always relying on outside suggestions (even the wellness industry has become so conflicting!).

Do you see yourself in any of these statements?

  • You aren’t sure what is best FOR YOU, but you know the answer must be SOMEWHERE!
  • You are ready to explore your INNATE abilities (Yep! They’re in there!) to see what YOUR body requires from you
  • You’re ready to boost your intuition to make it your “best long term health strategy,” BUT you’re not sure where to start (and had NO idea it involved anything to do with the physical body too! Whaaaaat!?)
  • You’re READY to step into the JOY and SELF-EMPOWERMENT that comes naturally when you increase your BODY CONNECTION

I want you to know this course is DIFFERENT!

We go over the physical, mental, emotional AND energetic considerations for all the things life throws your way, AND how to navigate that using the skill of BETTER BODY CONNECTION!

With that, it’s possible to begin to shift physical symptoms (through perception shifts, as well as energetic and physical release), AND hone the skill I KNOW you’ve been wanting to improve – INTUITION!

Consider this:

  • How FREEING would it be to have a PROVEN METHOD of increased body connection and boosted intuition at your fingertips? No more messing with others’ conflicting opinions for you!
  • How SUPPORTED would you feel knowing that if you ever feel overwhelm or lack of focus, you have specific resources to get you back on track?
  • How HELPFUL would it be to have actual ACTION STEPS to implement the content, so you’re not just learning, you’re DOING AND BEING
  • How VALUABLE would it be to you, to have 20+ years of content, all simmered down into manageable steps, for your HIGHEST level of integration?

If you’re READY to dive in, you can get started RIGHT AWAY by clicking this button below!

If you’re wondering WHAT is actually inside the course, I’ll give you a sneak peek below!

I also want you to know that for each module, there’s an audio-visual component (you’ll get to hear me bring the content to life for you), a written portion (all the juicy content), PLUS ACTION STEPS (to implement what you’ve learned) AND in some cases, additional resources to complete your action steps (think checklists, and guided practices).



Before I teach you the tools, I want you to have this absolutely foundational information on how energy works, what layers are (and what that even means for the healing process), anchors, spectrums and spirals! This is the first step to deeper understanding of your body and your intuition.


We talk about the daily habits that will help you peel off those layers we talked about and give you a solid foundation to build upon, for now and in the future. We also touch on what detoxing really is (Hint: Likely not what you think).


There’s so much we carry around with us that we just don’t see! By fine-tuning awareness, and working with the subconscious, it allows for a much deeper understanding as to what you may want to change, to increase your overall resiliency.


How are your bowel movements? This is one of the most important questions I ask to figure out your overall health!
I know this may not be your ideal topic, but it’s so important to understand the stages of digestion (the most important one is the one you probably don’t even THINK about) and how to make sure your poops are the best they can be (and why that even matters). Yep – it still relates to intuition!


As you go through BIG shifts, you’ll need SKILLS to be able to ride the inevitable transition periods that can make being in (any) relationship during growth, a bit of a process. I want it to be as easeful and peaceful for you!


The grand finale – meeting the REAL YOU! We’ll learn about who you really are, and how to leverage that for the rest of your life (who wouldn’t want to make “challenges” more easy?). Plus, we’ll be diving more directly into how to boost your intuition, building on all the steps from the previous modules.


Let’s face it – you can be “doing it all,” yet still not be making strides. In that case, I want to give you some things to think about, which may be blocks in your wellness journey.

If you’re one of those people (like me), who likes to hear what other’s experiences are, juuust to get a different angle of the vibe of the program, I got you covered! Look below this line for some TESTIMONIALS from the course.

One of the main things I love about this course, is the way the material and instructions are presented professionally and clearly, in a way that makes so much practical sense. I feel like I can take the suggestions and incorporate them into my life in a way that is easily manageable. 

Whether you are starting your own healing journey, or you are well into your own process, you will find SO MUCH in this program that will help you to make healthy choices and changes in your life, leading you to a happier, healthier state of well-being! I highly recommend this wonderfully comprehensive program.”

“Even though I have done several things to improve my health, there was a lot here for me to consider adding. I really enjoyed the part about illness starting energetically and moving in the physical realm.”

“I love the way it is organized – super easy to follow and yet, packed with great suggestions”

“This course has a wealth of information that has the power to transform physical symptoms, gain an understanding of how energy impacts us all, and shift perceptions to live a happier, lighter, and healthier life.”

“I finished the first module and already got some great insights!” 

Chelsea’s course provides key foundations for healing the body both physically and energetically. There is an abundance of insightful information to shift physical symptoms and energetic blocks.”

“This is a great, hands on, very detailed course. Very well structured to help you understand the important connection between the physical, energetic and spiritual conditions of the body.”

“I would highly recommend this course. My favourite modules were the ones that focused directly on intuition, as I have never found a foundational wellness course to include that information.  

This course delivers high level content in a manner that is easy for anyone to follow.  I love the action steps at the end, as they also keep you accountable so you can apply what you learn immediately.”

Now are you ready!? Let’s get started!

If you’ve got questions, you can chat with me on instagram @joyfulbodymethod or e-mail me (to prevent robots, I’m going to type it in code: helloATjoyfulbodymethod.com). I’d be happy to answer anything you need to know, to be fully and completely committed to your growth in this way xo