This 90 day program brings together the physical and the energetic, solely through my ability to scan your energetic field.

I identify blocks and help you connect with your own body (and intuition), so we can decipher your symptoms AND what to do about them. 

We focus on energetic causes of physical symptoms, where we really open up with a high level of curiosity to what may show itself as the block your mind/body/spirit wants to move.

There may be physical recommendations or spiritual or energetic recommendations, which require a level of open-ness from you, in order to receive the shifts from them.

It’s for you if you’re open to energetic work, and you’re ready to level up with very specific guidance, based on what YOUR energetic field is showing me.  

How Does it Work?

In Joyful Body Connection, the first thing we do is uncover the ENERGETIC and PHYSICAL OBSTACLES to your optimal wellness, so that we can address them head-on.

(No more surface-level approaches)

With a CLEAR and PERSONALIZED ROAD MAP, we actively clear and shift the blocks that previously kept you stuck.

What’s Included:

  • In-depth initial intake (both energetic and physical)
  • 2 follow-up consults
  • 24/7 access to chat support for 3 months
  • Optional analysis of any recent labs included
  • Customized suggestions from an intuitive approach
  • Customized support for connecting with your body and your own intuition
  • Optional in-depth energy work included
  • Optional add-on of 1-2 functional lab tests


INVESTMENT: $888 USD *Canadian pricing available for Canadian Residents living/working in Canada

*NOTE: If functional lab(s) are added, cost is additional to 90 day program investment

PS: After the 90 day container is up, you may want to continue what you started! In that case, you’ll have access to my monthly coaching packages, to deepen your transformation. You can check those out HERE

The most important thing to me is that working together is a full body YES (from both of us). I value your time and energy, so if you’re looking for coaching support, I always ask you apply first with a Strategy Session.

If you’ve got questions and you’re not yet ready to meet me ‘on screen,’ you can chat with me on instagram @joyfulbodymethod or e-mail me (to prevent robots, I’m going to type it in code: ). Looking forward to speaking to you soon!