My signature 6 month program, Joyful Body Method, will take you through everything you need to get to the root of your gut, hormone, energy issues and more! 

I created this program from my nearly 10 years clinical experience as a Naturopathic Doctor (and my own decades-long personal journey) to give the MOST answers in a collapsed timeframe.

It includes in-depth functional lab assessments for gut, hormones, cell health and more, plus step-by-step guides to EVERY health protocol, and customized approaches that you can utilize for the rest of your life.

The synergy of doing multiple tests together, eliminates guess work and clearly defines the issues AND the solution in a collapsed timeline.

It’s for you if you are ready to regain your energy, improve digestion and balance your hormones – PLUS, get personalized guidance for how to handle the inevitable curveballs life throws, with the unique position of knowing your body at a level that most people will never achieve!

How Does it Work?

In Joyful Body Method, first thing we do is get your foundation set, so that you’re building for LONG-TERM success.

We support your nervous system and adrenals, so you have increased RESILIENCY to stress. 

Next, we get your GUT health on track, since it’s the MAIN link to optimal wellness.

Then, we unlock NEW-FOUND ENERGY by PERSONALIZING A DETOX for your liver and cells, which starts activating your body to clean out on a physical and energetic level.

With the depth of knowledge gained with functional labs and energetic assessments, you’re set up for success, with a deep understanding of what YOUR body requires.

What’s Included:

  • In-depth initial intake (both energetic and physical)
  • Follow-up consults every 2 weeks
  • 24/7 access to chat support for 6 months
  • 2 functional lab tests (+ optional additional labs) that combine to create transformational synergy!
  • In-depth review summary for each lab report (videos and written)
  • Customized protocols following the Joyful Body Method approach to avoid overwhelm and help your body focus on re-balancing the right organ system at the right time for best results
  • Mindset and body connection support
  • Suggestions for long-term support based on YOUR results
  • Progress tracking to ensure we’re both crystal clear on what needs to be addressed
  • Educational modules to solidify your knowledge and help make the connection between symptoms and root causes
  • Optional in-depth energy work and intuitive consults included
  • Optional customized support for connecting with your own intuition included


INVESTMENT: $4,400 USD *Includes any applicable taxes

*Includes 2 Functional Labs (Additional labs are OPTIONAL)

*Cost of additional labs not included in above price)

PS: After the 6 months is up, you may want to continue what you started! In that case, you’ll have access to my monthly coaching packages, to deepen your transformation. You can check those out HERE (PLUS, for finishing JBM, you’ll get a discount for monthly plans!).

The most important thing to me is that working together is a full body YES (from both of us). I value your time and energy, so if you’re looking for coaching support, I always ask you apply first with a Strategy Session.

If you’ve got questions and you’re not yet ready to meet me ‘on screen,’ you can chat with me on instagram @joyfulbodymethod or e-mail me (to prevent robots, I’m going to type it in code: ). Looking forward to speaking to you soon!