Q: Can you explain what you do?

Essentially, I read the energetic body (which is connected to the physical) and look for areas of ‘stuck’ energy. Then I discern what to do, to get it flowing again.

I have an intuitive gift of discerning Truth. For example, if you say “I believe X,Y, Z” I may actually pick up that it doesn’t resonate as the core truth or core belief. So we find out together, using my intuition, what the real belief is, and how we adjust that to align to your desired outcomes.


  • I see your pain AND your potential
  • I see the Truth of who you are and all the programming that muddies you from seeing it clearly yourself.
  • I hold you to that higher version of yourself that you desire and bridge the gap between here and there.
  • I see how your body is speaking to you and teach you to connect with your body AND your own intuition

I use my decades of experiences as a former ND and my own personal health journey to guide my process AND I also recognize that most often, physical symptoms arise when ENERGY (spiritual, emotions or mental patterning) accumulates.

I look at symptoms as an ‘entry point’ to find out what patterns energetically are underlying it, so we can address it at the ROOT. Because when we remove the root, it means the symptom pattern can’t exist anymore.

In other words, 

  • I might see your gut issue is not actually the food you just ate, it’s an overgrowth of bacteria caused by an issue higher up in the gut (and how to address it…)
  • I might see your energy isn’t low because you skipped coffee, it’s because your work is draining you (and how to address it…)
  • I might see that which you fear most, is not actually even yours (and how we’ll remove it…).

And so often I hear, “Yes! THAT’S IT!” because on some level, you already KNOW!

I clearly identify the MOST pertinent info to your concerns saving you time, money (and uncertainty) to restore your HEALTH, INTUITION, ENERGY and JOY.

I share all the information with you so that we’re BOTH aware of how your system works. That way, you can become more attuned to your own body, and more connected to your own intuition, which I call “your best long term health strategy.”

Q: What will it feel like?

Not everyone experiences a session the same way. Sometimes we focus more on aligned action steps and other times, it’s a lot of energy work.

With the energy work, sometimes you’ll physically feel a pain dissolve or a sensation of tingling or movement in the body. 

MOST people feel it as a lightness/unburdening or release. 

Some people will get an emotional release.

Sometimes, there is a literal “sigh of relief.” 

Overall, most clients describe feeling “lighter” and more “peace,” or  “I don’t know how to describe it, but I feel really good!”

Q: Is there anything I need to do to prepare for a session?

In short, being OPEN and WILLING to change is the most important.

You may want to have water, and a comfortable place to sit where you can speak freely.

Logistically, you’ll need internet, and a device to do a video call on 🙂

Q: How does it work if you’re not seeing me in person?

I don’t claim to know all the details of quantum physics, but at a basic level you are energy AND energy KNOWS NO BOUNDS. 

That’s why I can help facilitate a shift in your field for REAL change, regardless of where we appear to be physically located.

When we work together, I basically see a projected ‘hologram’ of your energy field (which is why I often look to one side of your body). That’s where the information for your symptom or area of concern is held and using my intention, hand motions, and voice (all different forms of frequency), I’m able to move the energy to a more aligned state. 

Since your physical body is intricately connected with your energy body, physical effects result from the shifts in the energetic field. 

Q: What do you NOT do?

I DO NOT diagnose or confirm diagnosis of any health condition.

I DO NOT force, manipulate or control anything (eg. If you want a specific outcome, we can’t make it happen if it’s not aligned for you in that way).

We can’t bypass our own lessons and we can’t EVER control others.

That said, MANY of my clients have helped shift others they are in relationship with, through our work. However, there is NO manipulating, control or force of my clients OR those who ‘show up’ via my clients energetically. EVERYONE has free will and if you aren’t willing to change, or someone you love isn’t willing to change, change will NOT happen.

That also means I only work with clients who are OPEN to growth 🙂

I believe STRONGLY in helping you discern and empower YOURSELF and I’m here for as long as you feel you need support in learning how to do that OR helping you accelerate your progress toward your goals at any given time.