My Story

Hi! I’m Chelsea.

I’m often asked, how did you get into this work? Well, the truth is, when your work aligns with your purpose, it finds you!

Being relatively ‘sick’ as a kid was where it started. I would be constipated for DAYS on end, had multiple allergies, got tubes in my ears to drain fluid from my face (my face shape actually changed after), and experienced ‘little t’ trauma (in a family doing their best to raise their daughter to be ‘respectful’ through some pretty stressful situations).

Years later, I got frequent dizzy spells and exhaustion, almost daily headaches, muscle and joint pain, low moods, heavy and painful periods, severe cystic acne and terrible digestive pain (including 1 potentially life-threatening instance I didn’t even recognize at the time).

Because of this, I was naturally interested in health, and since conventional medicine had nothing to offer in answers OR solutions, I found my OWN way.

BUT even as a Naturopathic Doctor (for nearly 10 years!), I still found myself BURNT OUT (aka my sign something isn’t ‘quite right’). I started ‘playing around’ with my intuition a bit more to the point where I found myself getting ‘messages’ of what to say or suggest to my clients – and THAT is when I started to witness deeper healing.

The reality is, I’ve always been intuitive (as have you – we’ll get to that later). For me, it was present from childhood, just like the health issues!

I would get ‘inklings’ about family members and their emotional pain. I’d ‘hear’ messages (that appeared as thoughts in my mind) that would later turn out to be true!

I once even had an experience where I FELT the ‘pulse’ of the earth and all those in it, when I unknowingly connected with an injured butterfly I was attempting to rescue (THAT is a wild story – you can message me on INSTAGRAM and I’ll tell you about it).

I have always felt deeply, I have always been connected to Nature and ‘something bigger’ AND I’ve always felt rather ‘alone’ – never really accepting the ‘status quo’ of ‘how the world works.’

That inability to fit in a box led to frustration when I was trying to find help to get well. Even if I was sometimes helped, I never felt like anybody was really putting it all together. Now I know this was also part of my journey. My VARIED experiences and multiple modalities I trained in only helped shape this unique and deep approach, plus having the experience of chronic illness gives me an empathic understanding and a simultaneous desire to teach others what it truly means to change EVERYTHING.

Above all, my healing journey taught me a DEEP TRUST in that inner guide within.

I believe it’s an inner knowing and a natural ability we ALL have, and I also believe that we are meant to learn to USE it to save time, money and effort!

All of my experiences have led me to use my natural curiosity, out-of-the-box thinking, and genuine empathic approach to help people connect with their body and gain clarity on the root-cause blocks in their health, so they can reclaim their best health AND intuition (which I call “your best long-term health strategy”).

I don’t believe you need to be unwell anymore. I believe you should live the joy-filled life you were meant to live. 

Don’t you?

If you agree, then I’m ready to help get you there. 

Click the button below for your free Strategy Session, where we will figure out together, if this new comprehensive approach is the approach for you.

If you want even more insight as to what I’m all about, read below to see my beliefs, which guide my approach in our work together. Check in to see if they align with what your own inner wisdom tells you, or if you’re even open to alternate views. No judgements here.

My Beliefs

• Your body has a natural ability to heal. My role is to identify and remove obstacles to healing and allow the body to restore optimal health.

• I look for patterns and imbalances in your systems, not label symptoms.

• Optimal health comes from addressing the root cause of issues, not by focusing on symptoms. (If you’re trying to put out a fire, you won’t get far if someone is still dumping fuel on it). Root cause is essential.

• I believe true healing comes from connection of Body, Mind, and Soul. All parts need to be addressed to some degree. The depth of connection is unique to each person.

• Most symptoms arise from a root cause of either toxicity or deficiency (or both). This can be in Body, Mind, or Soul. My job is to determine which pattern is at play.

• We work as a team. I will do my part in educating and empowering you. The decision to improve your health and do the required work is all yours.

• Our world is more toxic than it’s ever been. It’s prudent to decrease toxin levels in the body, by increasing release of toxins, and preventing unnecessary exposures. This supports optimal health and makes your body a better vessel for stronger intuition.

• Your overall health depends on the health of the environment within your body. An unhealthy internal environment cannot create wellness.

• I don’t believe that our genes are set in stone. Even if you have a genetic susceptibility to illness, it still requires environmental triggers, like toxicities or deficiencies, to turn a susceptibility into a reality.

• I believe you know yourself best. I also believe you have many of the answers to your health already. My job is to help you learn to tap into that vast healing resource you are, so you can achieve optimal wellness.

My Life

In my spare time you’ll find me with my amazing and supportive husband (who teaches me all about astronomy and the little-known-facts about Japan), and my precious baby girl (who’s not a baby anymore!). She is the biggest gift and my greatest teacher (always reminding me that play is important!). When I find time to myself, I’m writing and creating, reading a myriad of wellness books, listening to music, walking in nature, practicing vagus nerve exercises, or aligning my body with energetic techniques.

My Resume

If you want to know what makes me qualified to help guide you in the process, here’s the boring text form of my academic accomplishments:

Formal Education

St. Francis Xavier University, Bachelor of Science – Advanced Major in Biology (4 years)

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor Certification program (4 years), including internships at 3 community clinics, and advanced selection to the Adjunctive Cancer Care clinic

Clinical Experience

Over 20 years of personal experience and training in Environmental Medicine, Epigenetics, Biological Medicine, Functional Medicine and Bioresonance therapies, with almost 10 years as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor.

Ongoing Learning

There’s too much fascinating info in the world to not be immersed in it always. I average 4 seminars/webinars/summits a month, with 1 or 2 books on the go at all times. In addition to this, I have completed a number of courses listed below.

Completed Courses

  • 100 hour Certification in Applied Kinesiology from International College of Applied Kinesiology
  • Rubimed Psychosomatic Energetics- Level 1
  • Bioenergetics Seminar Series- Level 1 and 2
  • Body Regeneration Method – Level 1 , 2 and 3 + Certification + Re-certification
  • Iridology Courses
  • Brightfield and Darkfield Microscopy Complete Training
  • Meridian Massage
  • Biotherapeutic Drainage and Detoxification
  • Biomagnetic Therapy (based on German New Medicine theory)

Congratulations if you made it this far. You’re really doing your homework! I like that!

Here’s your chance again to book your Strategy Session to apply, and hopefully lighten the load of all that research you’ve been doing!