Uncategorized / March 5, 2023

Frequency And Alignment

I have been known to predict a few things….

My first Kundalini yoga class, I had to move all the way across the room from a photo of the founder, because I felt vibes of him creepily watching me. Unfortunately, a few years later, a number of his female students spoke out about various levels of abuse he inflicted upon them.

I’ve gotten insights about global events, which although don’t usually align with mainstream views (until MUCH later), are validated by observations from various sectors. January 2020 was the most profound insight and ‘early warning’ as of yet. (If you were on my “Secret Subscriber” newsletter, you know more on that).

I could give you a ton more examples (Oh! The one about seeing my future husband across the street and saying, “Maybe that’s who I’ll marry one day” is a good one too!)

Now, back to the topic at hand…

I have known about two related frequency devices for many years now, yet I ALWAYS felt the need to discern who should use the technology and who should perhaps do something else. 

Even if there was a patient with a really chronic situation, that you’d THINK would be a FANTASTIC idea to use the technology for, I would sometimes get the nudge, “Not for them.” 

I am always discerning what is the best fit, but I was a bit shocked that not everyone seemed aligned to use this technology- because it seemed REALLY, REALLY GOOD!

That said, I didn’t think too much of it – until a related device finally launched in Canada. 

When I “see” flags energetically popping up, I know it’s saying “Pay attention.” I’m not going to  list those flags (for reasons!) BUT here’s the main point…

Just because something is effective, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s aligned for you. 

Most of us believe that if it’s “GOOD” (looks good, sounds good, we think it feels good), it surely should be good for us!

But is that true?

Personally, I believe it’s time to at least CONSIDER that every action has a reaction, including in the spiritual realms.

I may very well lose your interest from this point forward, which is totally okay! Just know, I’ve been a skeptic of almost everything. I’ve been on every side of almost every discussion. Even if not, one of my character traits is being able to see all sides.

So, in 2014, when I sat across from this man leading me through a “declaration” to “rescind oaths” and thought, “This is way too much for me to believe right now lol” to seconds later feeling SO MUCH LIGHTER (than I’ve EVER felt before) I experienced one of those paradigm shifts. From a skeptic to a believer, if you will.

I already believed we likely had multiple lives, but this was NEXT LEVEL. I could actually FEEL what it’s like to release information energetically.

What I’m saying is, when I’m looking at things from the lens of multiple-lives AND what I’ve come to recognize as various interference energies (thanks to my mentor Tracy L. Clark), it changes EVERYTHING. 

We don’t always know what we get into in past lives (sometimes I see it for clients if important for them to know), but our SOUL remembers. 

Sometimes you can have certain connections or make certain declarations (like “I will ALWAYS do XYZ” or “I will NEVER do XYZ,” from a past life, that can remain active, energetically, in your field.

We are also BATHING in a sea of various frequencies and energies.

We don’t always sense energies around or connected to us, that are not the “nicest,” but when you do a release and it goes, you FEEL it!

How does this relate to frequency devices?

Primarily, I wanted you to have some context, because using the lens of multiple lives and different types of energies, means I ask specific questions about ANYTHING new I do for my health and wellness.

Questions like:

  • Is there a tradeoff here?
  • What is the intention?
  • Is it aligned?
  • Have all connections, cords, ties, oaths, agreements, contracts, vows etc. been taken into account?
  • Is there any interference or energy associated with anything that is not in my highest best?

I would also consider these questions specific to frequency devices:

  • Are you externalizing your health? Your power?
  • Are you using frequency as a substitute for deeper work? (PS You’re SO much more powerful than you’ve been led to believe)
  • Can this device ‘tap into’ things I may not want it to?

Again, I need you to know that I 100% believe in the EFFICACY of frequency to shift the body (including just simple voice and heart intention). I’ve shared some of those beautiful lessons from my approx. 20 years experience with over 14 of these devices (as patient and practitioner) in THIS INSTAGRAM POST.

I HAVE seen frequency help people with chronic and confusing issues (including myself). 

That’s not the point of this post. 

The point is to help you assess whether you are in your HIGHEST BEST ALIGNMENT with what you choose to do, or not do.

Because at the end of the day, I don’t believe there is anything that is “good” for everybody, and my hope is that you are coming from an empowered place when you discern what IS in the highest best for you. 

Ask questions, but most of all, trust your intuition.

If you’re still with me, you MAY be interested in how I would approach clearing any interference energy, shifting alignment to highest potential outcomes, and releasing any known or unknown energies not in your highest best, while using frequency devices. 

I’ve created a little declaration clearing for you to say prior to using your device, if it feels right.

Simply read the words below (you may feel the need to repeat it 3 x) and see how it feels! If it’s working for you, you should notice a shift (usually feeling lighter in the body).

Oh, and also feel free to use either God/Universe/Source or Divine (but please use something like that!). It’s important when you’re working with shifting energy, to make sure you’re connected to PURE DIVINE SOURCE ENERGY, not any weird stuff 😉 

“Thank you God/Universe/Source/Divine. I command this Device be aligned to me, for my highest best potential. 

I command that my connection with the Device, remain as pure as you, God/Universe/Source/Divine, have intended – that all interference information, all negative entities or energies, all watcher energy and dark spirits be removed on all levels and layers from my system now. 

Any energy that is connected to me, that is NOT in my highest best, I command it to be disconnected NOW and the energy transmuted fully and completely. Thank you God/Universe/Source/Divine. 

I command that the frequency be delivered in my highest best for my health, on all levels and layers. I again command that the frequency be delivered in its purest and most energetic form, thank you God/Universe/Source/Divine, and only for my highest best.

Thank you God for aligning me to this Device, this Device to me, in my highest best only. Thank you.”

Again, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. I trust your own inner guidance to use this as it feels best xo

PS Feel free to copy and paste the declaration to somewhere more accessible for you. You may edit it as you feel you need, but please know, this was checked for accuracy and effect with the EXACT words in this order. Energy of words is POWERFUL (hence why you can make a declaration and feel something in the body) and with the work I do, the EXACT wording can be VITAL to something actually working vs. Not doing much at all (especially if you have some opposing core beliefs going on).

I also wanted to note here that this declaration is adapted from an original oath clearing that I got from a mentor in 2015, then adapted it with the energy modality, Body Regeneration Method, that I started learning with my mentor, Tracy L. Clark in 2016 (and recently was certified in). 

I specifically left out the clearing component for past life oaths, vows, agreements etc. because sometimes you need to “offset” those when shifting them. I trust that this will be enough for you to work with 🙂

If you want to provide constructive feedback or share your experiences with this declaration in particular, you may email me at: helloATjoyfulbodymethod.com (I changed that slightly to prevent robots from picking up on it, but hopefully you can figure that out 😉 )

PS If you’re curious to learn a bit more about how PAST LIFE stuff (and some of this other weird spiritual/energy stuff) relates to CURRENT issues in your life, I’m launching a series of YouTube videos HERE that will go over spiritual as well as health topics (from an energetic lens)- because it’s clear I need to share this more!

If this blog opened up a whole new world for you, and you’re interested to dive deeper, you can check out MY SERVICES HERE. I’m also happy to chat over INSTAGRAM DMs or a STRATEGY SESSION to check if we’d be an aligned fit for eachother.

