Blog, Body / April 9, 2021

Dry Skin Brushing

Most people associate dry skin brushing with exofliation – but what if on top of more vibrant and youthful skin, you could also boost your immune system, stimulate the nervous system, and promote elimination of toxins? Dry skin brushing has all this (and more) in store for you! Take a look below at some of the benefits of dry skin brushing (and then HOW to use it for best effect).


  • Skin Care- The removal of dead skin cells is important. As skin cells mature they move to the uppermost level of the skin where nutrients are lacking, which is where they end their lifecycle and eventually slough off. It’s important to promote this process to keep pores open for sweating out toxins as well as for stimulating healthy skin regeneration.
  • Smoother Flow of Blood and Lymph- Most people are aware that the circulation of blood is important to our survival. Yet, the signs of a poorly functioning lymphatic system are lesser known. They lymphatic system is part of the immune system and is involved in carrying nutrients to tissues of the body, as well as draining waste. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) carry metabolic wastes from tissues, in to the blood circulation where it is safely eliminated through other organs. However, unlike the circulatory system which consists of a pump (heart) to keep it moving, the lymphatic system relies on pressure created from muscles (ie exercise) and external stimulation (massage, dry skin brushing) to keep nutrients and wastes flowing along smoothly. If this doesn’t happen quickly enough, swelling of tissues results along with dysfunction in organs where the toxins remain stored.
  • Stronger Immune System- Dry skin brushing helps move lymphatic fluid along which enhances the function of immune cells, allowing them to do their job of fighting off invaders. Less waste to sludge through means faster immune cells!
  • Self-Care- The practice of dry skin brushing requires a few minutes of your time. This is time that you are devoting to the care of your body and mind. Be mindful of this 5-15 minute procedure and focus on each part of your body as you gently brush it – offering nurturance and support.
  • Stimulation of Nerves- The application of a stimulation (ie the dry brush) activates your nerve endings and increases blood flow to result in better tissue regeneration, toned muscles and reduced cellulite. 
  • Sweat and Secretions- Daily brushing stimulates the glands to secrete healthy amounts of oil to keep skin moist. Sweating is a natural method of elimination that is enhanced with regular brushing and helps decrease the toxic-load burden on other elimination organs.

Selecting a Dry Skin Brush

Choose a brush that has natural fiber bristles and a long handle for reaching all of your back. The bristles should have some firmness to them, which your skin will become accustomed to as you use it. If your skin is very sensitive you may use a softer brush or a dry towel to start with before moving to a more firm-bristled brush. 

How to Use Your Dry Skin Brush

  1. Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning. 
  2. Start at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Use circular motions, pressing softly at first and becoming more firm with pressure as you become accustomed. 
  3. Brush all the way up your legs, then over your abdomen, buttocks, and back. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs, concentrate their a little longer. Brush lightly on sensitive areas like breasts and more firmly on areas like soles of the feet. 
  4. When you reach your arms, begin at your fingers and brush up your arms, toward your heart. Brush your shoulders and chest down, always toward your heart. 
  5. Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound. 
  6. Finish by taking a shower and if you choose, use cold/hot therapy to further stimulate the lymphatic system and improve circulation.


*Always start at the extremities (feet and hands) and end at the heart

*Use circular motions

*Start softly and then press more firmly as you make circular motions and move the brush toward the heart

Please note: this article is not meant as diagnosis or treatment. Consult your healthcare provider(s) before performing any new exercises, supplements, nutrition changes, or other regimens.

