Blog, Mind, Soul / July 12, 2022

Face Your Fear

“Facing all that you fear, will free you from yourself” -Star Wars (Clone Wars)

I think if the past two years has taught us anything, it’s that we are ALL re-defining what FREEDOM means to us, on a personal and collective level. We do this by facing what it is that we FEAR the most.

I have faced a lot of fears… like A LOT. Truth is, it’s not always easier. The shifts and changes I make are BIGGER, and the intensity of the dissonance between the old and the new is bigger too.

HOW on earth could I possibly land on my own two feet!? 

YET, I KNOW I will.

I always have. 

I always will.

I deeply TRUST myself to move past the blocks to my next level (at times, I rely on my husband’s support to remind me).

Here’s the thing…

We spend so much TIME and ENERGY creating STORIES about what that fear is, we make it mean something BIGGER than it ACTUALLY is. 

BUT when you face your fear, you FREE yourself from the bondage of the story and the POWER that you gave the fear in the first place, returns back to YOU.

Usually, at the root of it, what we REALLY fear is not being able to handle whatever *it* is.

Building self-trust and resilience takes practice, but we can start by going into the fears. 

Pick something you’ve been fearing lately, and ask “Where is it coming from?” “Who told me this?” …

To deepen this process, download the BODY CONNECTION TOOLKIT FOR FREE HERE and use the meditation in there to give you deeper insights (use the fear as the “symptom”). 

If you need support in working through this (it helps to have someone who’s done this before), then I’d recommend checking out JOYFUL BODY CONNECTION HERE.

By facing your fears, you’ll come to know your true self, and I bet, you will be amazed at how much better that feels xo

