Blog, Mind, Soul / January 6, 2024


Making Your Goals Happen…ANY time of the year (with a tried and true process)

Is the new year approaching?

You’re likely already doing a subconscious review of the past year – but what will really add more POWER (and create amazing CHANGE in your life) is making the process more CONSCIOUS.

And if the ‘new year’ has *technically* come and gone, know this… it is NOT too late to do a prep for the year – or any OTHER ‘shift of the new.’

The same process can apply to Lunar new year, any new moon phase, change of season (especially Spring), business quarters etc. 

Whatever you deem as a SHIFT from old to new, you can USE THESE SAME TIPS!

In fact, I’d recommend MAKING A NOTE in your calendar or planner (set alerts, reminders, whatever you need to do), to REMIND yourself to do this process at least 1 x year, if not, every time you want to shift into a new ‘phase.’ 

Okay, so here is where you want to get a journal out, and some space set aside for yourself (or at least SCHEDULE it in when you can come back to these prompts).


Here we go!

STEP 1:  What are you PROUD of this year?

What did you accomplish or experience this year, that you can TRULY say you feel PROUD of yourself for? PS there IS something…. let it come forth

Now CELEBRATE! Whether it’s a simple hug or my personal fave, saying “(Your name) I’m proud of you…” out loud, make it KNOWN how BIG this is! Even if it’s not a ‘big’ thing, you’ll be teaching yourself how important it is to lift YOURSELF up – you’re going to need that skill if you keep growing 😉

STEP 2: What will you choose to leave BEHIND?

What have you been CARRYING that you are now willing to drop?

  • Tune in to your body right now. What comes to mind?
  • What pops right in, without any searching?
  • What feeling shows up in the body?

That baggage will look different for everybody:

  • It could be an old pattern of negative self talk
  • It could be a belief you no longer feel is true
  • It could be the way you respond to your alarm going off in the morning

Allow an answer to come to the surface.

This is the most top-of-mind thing that is weighing you down right now. It could possibly be THE thing that stands between you and your biggest goals. At the very least, it could be the next most obvious and manageable step for you to head in the direction you want.

  • 1️⃣ Whatever that is, in your minds’ eye, face it head on. Let it know you see it. Make it known that you no longer wish to carry it with you.
  • 2️⃣ Thank it for what it’s provided you so far (likely some form of safety or security). If you aren’t sure what benefit it has given you, sit with that for a bit first.
  • 3️⃣ When you feel that is clear, and you’ve given gratitude, picture it all bundled up in a suitcase (or whatever vessel feels right to you) and send it either to the Earth or to God/Divine/Source to be transmuted into Love energy.
  • 4️⃣ Then, ask for the space that baggage was taking up, to be filled with pure love, or the opposite of whatever your baggage was (eg. For a false belief, it may be “more truth” or whatever the new belief is you’d like to embody).

If you’re journalling this out, phrase it in present tense “I’m letting go of…” (not “I want to let go of”) the energy is very different!


So far, you’ve claimed what you’re proud of (and hopefully CELEBRATED it). Then, you decided what you’re ready to DROP! (If it doesn’t feel quite ready to go yet, repeat those steps until you feel a shift OR book a CLARITY CONSULT to see where I can help)

If you’re in BODY CONNECTION BLUEPRINT, you know the energetics is mirrored physically (+ vice versa).

With the last post, you cleared out energetic space. Now it’s time to clear out PHYSICAL SPACE.

  • 1️⃣ Choose a space  *I’d recommend not making an entire room the focus, unless you’re accustomed to this process, otherwise it may get overwhelming and stop progress (think small tasks, not massive projects).
  • 2️⃣ Assess all items
    • Is it functional? 
    • Have you used it lately (or the last 6-12 months?) 
    • Does it spark joy? 
    • If you can’t answer yes to these, then it may be time to go. Thank it. Then, donate it or trash it (depending on its state).
  • 3️⃣ Cross-check for efficiency (ie. Is this item in the best place it can be in? If not, find where that is and de-clutter there if necessary!)
  • 4️⃣ Repeat

BONUS: Do a digital cleanse of your inbox (or in my case, MULTIPLE inboxes 😬), your Instagram followers and those you follow, and/or your digital files on your computer.

PS I do have additional tips around this and general tech management in BODY CONNECTION BLUEPRINT

OH! and don’t be surprised if this is tricky or triggering, or brings up grief – if it’s too much, reach out for support and/or make a note to process more deeply at another time.

PS BODY CONNECTION BLUEPRINT Module 5 has a ton of tips for addressing triggers and Module 3 has the subconscious programming info that you’ll need to really make moving through triggers more effective.


Here’s the FUN part (that most of you likely wanted to skip right to … but I can assure you, completing the previous steps will make this MUCH more successful!).

  • 1️⃣ Get Clear + Aligned with Your Why: Ask yourself … “What do I WANT?” Like really want. Distill it down to the most clear reason eg. “I want better intuition” becomes:
    • “I want better intuition, so that I can be a confident guide for myself, so that I feel at peace with decisions I make” 
    • Keep asking “so that” until it feels complete (this gets you more to the core of the reason WHY you want what you want – it’s a stronger energy ;))
  • 2️⃣ Embody: Take time to FEEL the ultimate ‘result.’ EXPERIENCE it, as if it already occurred. What are you doing? Wearing? What do you hear? What do you see? Smell? (and so on)
    • PRO TIP: Schedule time in your day to tune in and envision yourself in that scenario (best times to do this are at night and/or before bed, even if it’s a few mindful seconds).
  • 3️⃣ Review the previous steps of this post, FROM this FUTURE vision place…
    • What are you proud of?
    • What did you need to let go of to get here?
    • How did you make space? (What did you focus on most?)
  • 4️⃣ Gratitude: Energetically, gratitude brings energy TO YOU. It shifts you into an entirely different vibration and it’s the most important space to put yourself in when you’re trying to bring in something new! From the energy of “ALREADY DONE” FEEL GRATEFUL for it!
    • PRO TIP: Take time (morning and night is best) to do this.
    • BONUS: To flex your gratitude muscle, keep a journal of all you’re grateful for each day.
  • 5️⃣ Keep consistent: Consistency is key ESPECIALLY in your BELIEFS. Do your subconscious beliefs align with your desires? If not, you have a mismatch +it will be harder to bring it in.

Do your best to assess if you have any blocks to truly believing you can actually achieve what you desire.

(Module 3 of BODY CONNECTION BLUEPRINT gives you info + ACTION steps for this)

BONUS TIP: Stay in Your Lane! 

All that matters is what’s important to YOU!  Why waste your sacred energy wondering if someone has something “better” or if they judge you for this or that? 

Commit to YOURSELF by honouring your OWN intuition. Avoid hopping on trends UNLESS it aligns with your intuition AND your WHY.

PS Want to hear a fun story on how I manifested my husband with more manifestation tips you can use? CHECK OUT THAT POST HERE

I KNOW that if you follow this 4 step process, you will make BIG CHANGES happen in your life. I can’t wait to hear about them!!! Xo 
