Mind / October 29, 2012

The Cable Guy Changed My Life

Have you ever met someone who seems to have been plucked from the universe and plunked in front of you at a very specific moment in time?  (For those of you who think this is the craziest thing you’ve ever heard, I suggest you read books like “The Secret,” and others on the’ Law of Attraction’).  For me, most recently, it was the cable guy.  

I was having numerous cable issues and was given every trouble-shooting technique (and a technician) to no avail.  I remembered having a very helpful technician in my previous apartment when I had similar issues.  Wishing he would be the one to show up, I was utterly shocked when he ended up on the other side of my door in a completely different building and area from where I first met him.

His smile was contagious and his energy so warming.  He told me about all the wonderful opportunities in his life and then asked me where I saw myself in the future. I started out stating where I thought I’d like to be and essentially, what was still holding me back.  He stopped me mid-sentence and said “No butts!”  Actually, he said “No BUTS!” Although, he may as well have said it the other way because I was shocked.  

Photo: Cyrus Gomez on Unsplash

It hadn’t occurred to me that I was putting in these pretences of what could be IF things were different or IF I didn’t care about this fact or that.  Somehow he got talking to me about every aspect of my personality.  He peered into my soul that day, I swear!  He left having fixed the nagging problem, and I was left with a happily opened heart. 

Sometimes we get told “Be grateful for what you have,” and we try to be, but it’s so easy to get caught up with little things in our day-to-day routine.  I am thankful for the cable guy.  He reminded me, as he put it, “The brain and breath are our greatest gifts.”  We wouldn’t be anything without them.  Each breath is life, and what you do with what you have, is what makes you special.  

He also showed me that when imagining where I’d like to be and who I would like to become, to look at the reality I want, and not the reality I think I have to settle for.  I try to keep the cable guy-spirit alive in me every day.  I practice a smile that is contagious, by being true to myself.  I am grateful for waking up to a new opportunity every day and, of course, I take out the “Buts”

